Capability statement for mine rehabilitation company

Client: Thiess Rehabilitation


My Brisbane-based mine rehabilitation client, Thiess Rehabilitation, wanted to update its capability statement.

As mentioned recently, I love working with graphic designers to produce complete products, like capability statements, et cetera, that require design and imagery to bring my copy to life and showcase the company visually.

Following a brief over the phone and document sharing, I prepared a capability statement outline, and, once it was agreed, I developed the first draft.

The contents included:

  • A tailored Acknowledgement of Country
  • An overview of the company and its vision / goals
  • Services
  • Environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals
  • Experience, including case studies
  • The team and their expertise


Working collaboratively with the stakeholders, and the Thiess graphic design team, we went back and forth with a couple of versions, and produced the final product.


As it’s a downloadable pdf, we launched in on the website and social channels.

Writing a capability statement? Need Little pink typewriter? Or just want to know more about what I do?

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About the author: admin

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