Why case studies should be part of your content marketing strategy

While all companies are different and therefore have different content marketing strategies and preferences, case studies are an ideal marketing tool for almost any business.


Because case studies are a simple yet effective way of showcasing your expertise,  skills, services and / or products.

They inform and educate your clients and prospects, without being all schmarmy and salesy.

Rather than focussing on your service or product like a sales pitch, case studies demonstrate your services or product, and, importantly, their benefits and outcomes for your clients / end users.


  • Demonstrate your expertise
  • Share knowledge
  • Showcase your product / service
  • Build trust with your clients – and potential clients
  • Enhance your reputation

Your service or product is still highlighted, but by showing rather than telling.

And, if you get a testimonial from your client to include in your case study, a third-party endorsement is always better than singing your own praises!

What should you include in your case study?

While each service / product will be demonstrated differently, you should include:

  • The issue you solved / benefits you provided – in the headline
  • Customer / context / project, including location and / or industry if relevant
  • Your client’s challenge – why they needed your help
  • Your solution – the service / product you provided
  • Outcome – how your solution helped your client and the benefits it provided, including time, cost, efficiency, long-term benefits, etc
  • Testimonial – where possible

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About the author: admin

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