How remote working adds value – and time and cost benefits

While remote working / working from home (WFH) / virtual teaming has become more of “a thing” since the Covid-19 pandemic, for freelancers, it’s quite the norm.

It’s actually my preferred way of working and adds value to clients in numerous ways, including:

  • Timezone advantages
  • Global perspectives
  • Focused, dedicated resource
  • Cost-effective

Timezone advantages

Given that I work with clients throughout Australia (and sometimes around the world), locations and timezones are not only irrelevant, but can be advantageous.

The timezone differences often work in my clients’ favour as it gives us more (working) hours in the day. I might have a videoconference / brief early in the morning in my timezone that is late in the day in theirs, which means I can work on the content during my day and the client will wake up the next day with content received overnight!

Global perspectives

Working across towns, cities, countries and hemispheres, remote / virtual teams by their nature provide diverse, global perspectives.

This could be in terms of knowledge, processes, technology – providing access and insights to different ways of thinking and doing things around the world. These difference experiences benefit both my clients and me!

Focused, dedicated resource

Using a dedicated, focused freelancer helps business owners articulate their communication goals with an impartial eye, and offers a fresh, detached, external perspective.

Even if my clients have considered and articulated their communications strategy and content goals, they generally don’t have the time or resources to implement them.

Plus, it’s a better use of their time to focus on their core business than to be worrying about their content marketing!


Another benefit of remote working is its cost-effectiveness.

I primarily work from home, so there are no overheads / investments for the client for physical assets, equipment or training. They simply pay for my services.


Ultimately, a remote working relationship is symbiotic bliss. The client receives the services they need via a streamlined process and minimal invesment. I get to manage my work / life to suit, while providing targeted services.

Want remote services? Need Little pink typewriter? Or just want to know more about what I do?

Email me at or drop me a line via my Contact form.

About the author: admin

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