Service spotlight: award submissions

Boy oh boy is it awards season?

While it comes more easily to some than others, not everyone is comfortable “blowing their own trumpet”.

But… there is merit (pun intended) in amplifying your skills / services through (relevant) award submissions.

Whether it’s for business or individual award submissions, I help you get all that stuff from your clever noggin onto paper, er, keyboard, and into a polished, award-worthy submission.

I keep it simple. Follow a process. Take care of all the things. Then you get to party!

I primarily write and/or edit award submissions for engineering and other STEM businesses, but also write submissions for small businesses and Arts organisations.

Want an award submission written? Need Little pink typewriter? Or just want to know more about what I do?

Email me at or drop me a line via my Contact form.

About the author: admin

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