Concrete mixing

Federal Government grant application for sustainable concrete blocks business NQ Blox

Little pink typewriter helped Atherton Tablelands-based concrete business, NQ Blox, complete a Federal Government funding application for its proposed Sustainable Concrete Blocks project.

Client: NQ Blox

The brief
Atherton Tablelands-based business NQ Blox was submitting a grant application to the Federal Government’s Manufacturing Modernisation Fund Round 2 for its new business venture, Sustainable Concrete Blocks project.

The project

On behalf of its subsidiary business NQ Blox, Bolwarra Enterprises engaged Little pink typewriter to:

  • Review the project plan and grant application
  • Proofread and edit the project plan and grant application
  • Provide overall editorial advice and guidance to ensure the application addressed the criteria and amplified NQ Blox’s strengths

The project had a tight timeframe, so I provided initial feedback and edits to the project plan, then worked on the overall application.

The outcome

We got it done! NQ Blox submitted the application on time. We are awating the application outcome.


“Bolwarra Enterprises engaged Little pink typewriter to review our grant application for the Federal Government’s Manufacturing Modernisation Fund Round 2. Our deadline was tight, but after a quick email and phone brief with Jeanette, she got cracking. She proofread, edited and provided easy-to-understand changes for our application. She not only tweaked our wording, but helped us draw out and amplify the project’s strengths, to put us in the best position possible to be successful in our application. Due to Jeanette’s dedication and fast turnaround, we made the deadline no problem. I highly recommend her services.”

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About the author: admin

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