How I work: content curation process for technical industry client

How I work 101.

As I say on my website section, “How it works“, I don’t just start tapping away at my little pink typewriter keys. I work with you (and collaborators as needed) to create your content, print and/or digital products using my Little pink process.

But what does that translate to in reality?

Well, let’s use a recent example to demonstrate.

Client: ESI Tech Group


I provide content marketing services, including writing, editing and publishing website articles and case studies, and LinkedIn content for technical services provider, ESI Tech Group.

They reached out to me via email with a request to write a case study and included background information and imagery. Excellent.

I wrote a draft, emailed it back, and waited for feedback from the project manager.

After a few phone calls, emails and tweaks, I finalised the copy.

Once the copy was approved and the image selection agreed, I published it on the ESI website, then shared a truncated version on LinkedIn.

This type of work is part of my content marketing service, Content Plus:

  • Write, edit and publish content, including images / video as applicable, to website
  • Write the LinkedIn copy and share to LinkedIn, including the website link or images or video, as appropriate, and hashtags
  • Track engagement and provide a monthly report

This type of content rocks

Content like this – case studies / project profiles / project updates – are an ideal part of a content strategy, as they are a simple yet effective way of showcasing your expertise,  skills, services and / or products.

They’re a great way to inform and educate clients and prospects, without being too salesy:

  • Demonstrate your expertise
  • Share knowledge
  • Showcase your product / service
  • Build trust with your clients – and potential clients
  • Enhance your reputation

Your service or product is still highlighted, but by showing rather than telling.

Want content curation? Need Little pink typewriter? Or just want to know more about what I do?

Email me at or drop me a line via my Contact form.

About the author: admin

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